This is where ill yap about random stuff. Thoughts about what to do next with the website, project ideas, my current fixations, out of context rants etc etc
1:00 AM - 2/28/2025 🌧️
bored at work rn. so thought i'd write sth on my phone (hope i dont break the website).
Ive some ideas for a kinda. big-ish art. project. but ill probably not. start it till i get a drawing tablet of some sorts. idk if i want an Android tablet or a wacom one. decisions decisions.
2:15 PM - 3/19/2025 🌤️
I think schools should seriously consider teaching proper etiquette to boys at a young age, especially when it comes to how to view and treat the opposite gender. I understand that obviously men are attracted to women. But I refuse to believe that objectification of women is an inherent thing in men. Although it's so widespread, especially where I'm from, which is supposedly a "100% Muslim" country. It has always made me uneasy how men (regardless of whether they're in a relationship) so nonchalantly sexualize every woman they come across.
I feel like, "lowering one's gaze" is such a basic moral principal in Islam. But it's violated every passing second without a second thought. And no one ever talks about it. There's never a khutbah about it. It makes me feel bad for women, especially those Muslim women who actively make the effort to dress modestly. And who observe the hijab properly. With the intention of pleasing Allah and repelling unwanted attention from strange men.
Anyways, idek if this behavior can be fixed since it's so ingrained into our culture. But I believe having scholars address this directly and educating younger people about it as a part of Islamic studies, could. Somewhat. Help. Maybe. Hopefully.
4:53 PM - 3/16/2025 🌤️
1:19 AM - 3/13/2025 ☁️
Okay so it started with something small but being the perfectionist I am, I accidentally did too much work and now heres another major update.
I've added some animations all over the website and tooltips to the status icons. Aaand reworked the mobile version of the nav to make it more user friendly. The nav is still a bit buggy on desktop but. just ignore it :D
12:03 AM - 3/3/2025 ☁️
Finally, added all the pages to the website. all links should work now on most devices. I will say though, the current layout for this page is not exactly how i want it to look.
I tried making the 'thoughts' page using css columns but i couldn't get it to work within the iframe so i canned that idea. I might try to implement it in the future but for now, no major updates to the website. I'll just try to make the code more efficient and readable.
1:35 AM - 2/28/2025 ⛈️
I'm just happy to be here amongst an OCEAN. of talented people. Although i didn't get much done since the website was created (until the last month or so) because i was completely burnt out.
Anyway, I couldn't have made all this progress if it weren't for you talented and passionate strangers on the internet. so thanks to everyone here at neocities and to whoever is reading this!
1:18 AM - 2/28/2025 🌧️